www.sherrycnelson.com Sherry C. Nelson. P.O.Box 1123 Lockhart, TX 78644 512/398-3277
to securely hold your ink and pens.
Reverse Glass Painting Basics:
1. It is preferable to use 1/8" plexiglass rather than glass. Spray with Windex to clean -always handle by edges.
2. A crow quill pen and Higgins India Ink work best to ink the design.
Refer to introductory pages of "Glass Giraffe" for inking basics.
3. Use oil paints to paint design on same side as inking - use paint sparsely so as to still see ink lines through paint.
4. You do Not paint the design in reverse... rather you reverse to frame.
For full catalog of all packets not viewable on this website published by Sherry C. Nelson download the PDF wishbook.
Please note that all designs and photos are copyrighted by Sherry C. Nelson and may NOT be used for any purpose other than viewing and for ordering and may NOT be duplicated.