“The FlutterBy” Vol. 6, Issue 4, Fall 2019
Nov. 9-14, 2020 -

“The FlutterBy” Vol.6, Issue 3, Summer 2019
Come to Palooza - an all-out Crazy Event! Oct. 19-26, 2019
Winter Bald Eagle Monday, Oct. 21st, 10am-5pm.

Simply Silver Tuesday, Oct. 22: 1pm-8pm

Lilies with Black-veined White Saturday, Oct. 26: 8am-3pm

“The FlutterBy” Vol.5, Issue 4, Fall 2018
Come Paint again… with Sherry and the VPPs! Don't miss this last chance to paint this gorgeous set, which will likely not be taught again..
Sherry C. Nelson, MDA, TDA will be painting and teaching these vibrant and exciting designs at Susan Pleasant's VPPs workshop near Summerville, SC this March 8-14, 2019. We would love to have you attend this very special seven-day seminar. If you would like to sign up or learn more about this workshop, please call Susan Pleasant at 843-209-4127 or email her at spleasant1952@gmail.com
This workshop is held each year in a great location: the Lebanon Community Center, 1188 Lebanon Road, in Ridgeville, SC 29472. Lots of room for the class, with space to eat away from our paintings, and a big buffet bar for serving the lunches. Lunches are delicious and generous, and lots of homemade goodies served by some of the local painters at the back of the painting room so we don't have to take valuable painting time to go out.
Lunch cost may be included in your class fee but you would have to ask Susan that. Best of all, we have the place entirely to ourselves. We can come and go as we need.
By the way, the VPPs means the Very Pleasant Painters, which I think is a wonderfully creative name for this great group. Susan's a VERY 'pleasant' lady and works hard to make this an exciting workshop venue for everyone. 2019 will be our 14th Anniversary year in Summerville and our seminars there are always memorable and productive.
Need more details? Just give Susan a call. And be sure and send your deposit to Susan Pleasant, 104 Riley Drive, Summerville, SC 29483. There's just a few spaces left at this writing… bring your best painting buddy and come join us! Great fun, so sign up today!
Arrive on March 7. Class starts on the morning of the 8th with in-class prep.
March 8-14, 2019 - The Very Pleasant Painters will paint!!
March 15, 16: Charleston Decorative Painting Chapter hosts Sherry for another 2 days. The class is in the same classroom - and Brenda Sawyer is the Seminar Chair again this year. For additional information see below. And sign up now: Contact Brenda at stillpainting@sc.rr.com or call her at 843.871.8733 or 843.693.2429 to reserve your space.
We will prep surfaces the morning of the 8th, and you must attend that day, bringing all your prep supplies with you. You will receive patterns for all 4 paintings, and we will finish all we can in the time we have together. Normally I teach this set in 8 or 9 days, but if we work steadily, I think we can get everything painted except the perhaps the grouse piece. Best part of this set is that each creature we paint will be finished entirely in class… or very close to it. And please note, VERY few leaves and flowers… When you finish you'll have a whole new feel for painting fur and feathers…. and you'll love what you accomplish, I promise.
When I receive a confirmation that you have paid your deposit to Susan, I will send you all the information you need to begin getting your supplies ready. Come on ladies, join us for a spectacular week…
More later… and meanwhile, may your holidays be great!
Questions?? Call me direct at our new TX number: 512.398-3277

Here's the set below on Gallery Boxes:

Faces of the Great Plains includes 9 bird species and 5 animals, prepped and painted on 4 panels in 7 days of classes. the first day will be in-class background prep that includes learning to apply the textured grasses in the panels' foregrounds, allowing them to dry, and then basecoating with a more typical sponge-rollered multi-color wet-on-wet background. I will provide the texture paste needed. When all is dry that evening, you can begin putting the patterns on for the week.
If you choose to use hardboard panels, you may simply bring them in the following sizes with no additional prep. Any wood surface, such as a screen or large furniture piece with similar-sized design areas, should be sealed and sanded prior to coming. I did the originals on the Gallery Panel-boxes in the sizes below.
The Set:
1. Curlew and Short-eared Owl (8" x 10")
2. Greater Prairie Chicken, Sage Grouse, Short-tailed Grouse and Lark Sparrow (20" x 10")
3. Golden Eagle, Ferruginous Hawk and Prairie Dog (8" x 16")
4. Bison, Coyote, Badger, Pronghorn and American Avocets (20" x 16")
You may have a set of hardboard panels cut to the above sizes at Home Depot or Lowes. If you wish to paint on the set on Gallery Boxes like my originals you can order them from Larry Rol. Send him an email at rolpub@cherirol.com as soon as you decide if you want to order them to give him ample time to ship them. Hardboard panels require no prep ahead of class, but if you order the Gallery boxes, have them sent directly to you so you can seal and sand the wood frames (only, not the painting surfaces) before arriving on Prep Day. 812.366.4154 Larry and Cheri Rol, 3600 Amy Lane NE, Greenville IN 47124
March 15-16, 2019 - Charleston Decorative Painters, Charleston, SC. Contact for more information: Brenda Sawyer, seminar chair: 843.871.8733 or email: stillpainting@sc.rr.com; 2 day workshop: White Ibis will be taught on Day 1 and African Pygmy Kingfisher, a more advanced piece, on Day 2. You'll want to add these two beauties to your home gallery so please call Brenda to sign up now.

See you in March!
This was last year’s projects for Canandaigua, NY great seminar location ….
This year 2019 --the projects are “Flycatchers”. See the project photos and details for August 2019 seminar in Seminar Schedule on homepage of the website www.sherrycnelson.com
“The FlutterBy” Vol.5, Issue 1 Winter, 2018
Dear Painters:
Some really exciting classes coming up…. please check out our fab NY class below and sign up now! We'd love to see you and have you take part in a great learning experience. Check with the contact person for more information about a class.
See you there!
We only have 6 spaces left so don't wait….
Scroll down for exciting photos, all the way to the end!
Announcing: Pheasants of the Rhododendron Forests of China, Part 2, taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA

To be presented in Central New York at the Notre Dame Retreat Center in Canandaigua -this is a six-day workshop to be held August 29 - Sept. 3, 2018. An advanced class, this intensive workshop will teach many exciting oil skills, as well as some interesting mixed-media techniques for accomplishingcomplex feathering with easy new methods! Fabulous birds… gorgeous… pieces you'll be thrilled to hangand delight in painting with Sherry C. Nelson, MDA.
Please mark those important dates on your calendar and don't wait to send in your deposit of $150.00 now to reserve your space in this one-time class. Class space is limited to 24 and I feel sure we'll end up with a wait-list for this class. We look forward to having you as an attendee in this exciting seminar.
Fly-in/ arrival day: August 27, 2018 or morning of 28th. Orientation/ design handouts, background check and transfer initial design afternoon and evening of 28th, at your convenience. We'll begin painting at 8:30 am on the 29th; class will end each day by 5:00 pm.
Fly out/ Departures: Sept. 4, 2018.
A note: Sherry will likely be teaching for a nearby chapter 3 days ahead of the Pheasant seminar in the same classroom at Notre Dame. If you think you might like to come to those classes as well, you may inquire directly with Barbara Fragale for more information.
Just didn't want you to finalize your travel without knowing you can paint that extra fun few days…
Contact for chapter class: Barbara Fragale: bfragale12344@aol.com Or call her at: 585-533-9203.
Make deposit checks to The Magic Brush, Inc. and mail to the following address:
PO Box 1123, Lockhart, TX 78644. 512.398.3277. Further emailed inquiries: seminars@sherrycnelson.com
Our Painting Room:
Barbara Fragale, the Sheriff of our Posse, has negotiated a superb room in which to paint. We'll have a comfortable, carpeted (translates to 'quiet and calm' space along with good overhead lighting. There's big windows along one wall for a beautiful view of Lake Canandaigua. If you have questions about the accommodations, meals, directions, location or and other local inquiries please contact Barbara: bfragale12344@aol.com Or call her at: 585-533-9203.
Sleeping Room Rates: If you wish to stay at the Retreat Center we will make your reservations for you. The rooms are very basic, rather small, but quite comfortable, with choice of singles or doubles (bathrooms in each room) and you pay for the space with a donation. Continental breakfast is included with your room. Easier for Barbara to explain how it works… so if you wish to stay there, instead of a hotel or motel in Canandaigua, please contact her. Deb and I (Sherry) will be staying there; it's quiet and very convenient - just a few steps from the painting room! You may look at the website: http://www.ndretreat.org/ to see photos of the sleeping rooms and the facility grounds. Your room fee (donation) will be paid direct to the Retreat Center upon checkout.
Please do not call the retreat center yourself; we will handle all reservations through their group desk. When you have decided what room style you want (single or double) and who you want for a roommate, please email Barbara, not the retreat center!
Payment schedule: All of you receiving this flyer have paid or will soon pay your $150.00 deposit; your balance due for the seminar will be $345.00 for the 6 days of class. A portion of that amount ($175.00) will be due March 1, 2018 with the final $170.00 due 6 weeks ahead of the opening day of the seminar. Second payment due March 1: $175.00. Final payment due June 1: $170.00
Please note: while the class fee may seem a bit high, it includes 5 days of excellent lunches served by the Retreat Center. We found the food to be very well-prepared, and those fees are what enables us to use the classroom space at no additional charge. So we must include the cost of your lunches in our fees; hence the higher cost.
We will be at Notre Dame over Labor Day, Monday the 3th, and the Retreat center doesn't provide lunch that day because they give their employees the day off. They will likely have some prepared dishes in the fridge for us, and we're going to order out pizza that day as well…
Not included in the class fees:
I will bring the packets with all the photos and instructional materials and the full-size designs for all six days to hand out at the Tuesday evening orientation. The cost of those (approx. $38.00) will be added to your classroom invoice. A palette fee of $4.00 per day will also be added to the invoice. All bills may be settled at seminar's end with a personal check or cash. We'd prefer not to use a credit card for the seminar fees. And you may choose to provide your own paint; however, no brand or color substitutions allowed…please.
Orientation and design handouts: Our week together will begin on August 28 as soon as we have the classroom fully set up, likely mid-afternoon. I will check everyone's surfaces, see if there's anything I need to help with, possibly present a prep demo for the surfaces if needed, and hand out materials for the week. I will be providing full-sized copies of all designs so as to make the job of transferring patterns a little easier.
I will put out palettes at 8:30 am on the morning of the 29th and we will begin the paintings themselves. We're going to have a memorable week of painting together!
And this is what we'll be painting....
Lady Amherst Pheasant, Golden Pheasant and the Himalayan Monal, with the floral elements of the Rhododendron Forests of China.

This panel size is 18" x 30" and happily contains the two main pheasants.

You may choose to put your birds on separate panels, or on a single large piece. My originalpheasant screen shown below is 24" x 36" and a hardboard panel that size could be attached flat toan inside door and framed with simple molding for dramatic and glamorous effect.
You may consider painting the Lady Amherst and the Himalayan Monal on the 18" x 30" (or 28")" panel and the Golden Pheasant on the 18" x 14" panel. Other choices of backgrounds may well be considered; vintage furniture pieces from a local antique store might prove to be promising. You have some months to decide - go on a search and find something fabulous to show off your birds…

Himalayan Monal

Full-sized screen, 24" x 36”.

Details for your interest….

When both sets are complete - think of the impressive showing you can present….
“The FlutterBy”. Vol.4, Issue 4 Fall 2017
Dear Painters,
An exciting Brush Afield Tour is being planned — April 16 -26, 2018
Tropics of Trinidad Invitational Birding and Turtle Tour
Travel with Deby and Sherry and The Magic Brush, Inc. to Trinidad and Tobago.
Space is limited … contact Sherry for details and to reserve your space.
512/398-3277. Or. email birdpainter@sherrycnelson.com
Details and itinerary below:
Tropics of Trinidad Invitational Birding and Turtle Tour
Travel with Deby and Sherry and The Magic Brush, Inc. to Trinidad and Tobago.
April 16-26, 2018
$3485.00 excluding international airfare.
All meals included except lunch on the flight day to Tobago. Also included is the round trip airfare to Tobago, all internal transportation and entrance fees into all special events mentioned below (except the $16.00 'Turtle Permit' we each must purchase in person at Mt. Plaisir).
Join us for this 10 day journey into the tropics for some of the most beautiful locations and spectacular birds you'll ever see. The perfect tour for those wanting to expand their birdlist beyond their North American feeders, and who want the excitement of the color and vibrancy that only tropical birding can provide. Besides binoculars, you'll need your swimwear too, taking advantage of a sea (or a pool!) so blue it doesn't seem real.
This is a tour appropriate for those who have somewhat limited physical ability to climb and hike. Some of the trails at Asa Wright have portions that are a little steep, but they are nicely maintained and given time, you should be able to handle them. Plus you always have the option to forego a tour or hike and stay back at Asa to bird the renowned Veranda (see below!) and relax, which often people choose to do.
Non-refundable Deposit: $500.00 when reserving your spot.
First Installment: $995.00: due August 1.
Second installment: $995.00: due November 1.
Final installment: $995.00: due February 1
Not too late to sign up and join us … 2 spaces open.
Email Sherry for details and to reserve your space:
Itinerary for Trinidad & Tobago Tour:
April 16:
There are several airlines that fly into Port of Spain. Most flights arrive mid-day which is ideal because it's a bit more than an hour drive to Asa Wright Nature Center. We will try to group arrivals so we can schedule a single or at most 2 or 3 transfers to Asa Wright after arrival in Trinidad. Overnight Asa Wright Nature Center.
April 17:
Orientation Walk; Oilbird Cave tour. The mountainous, forested grounds of Asa Wright Nature Center are stunning. With huge feeders attracting dozens of tropical species for close viewing, easy photography right off the famed veranda, and plantings of tropical flowers everywhere you look… well, this is one of those magical destinations that will make you want to move in to your hillside cottage and stay! And the food is fabulous… native dishes, preceded each day with the Island specialty: rum punch. Enjoy! Overnight Asa Wright Nature Center.

The famed 'Veranda' at Asa Wright Lodge, Birds on the feeders below, vistas and rum punch before dinner!

April 18:
Field trip to the lovely village of Blanchisseuse along the north coast of Trinidad. Settled by the French in 1783, this settlement rests in a birdy area with thick forest and mountains behind and the sea in front… We're invited to partake of a community lunch and observe a chocolate demonstration at the village. Overnight Asa Wright Nature Center.

April 19:
The Caroni Marsh is a 12,000 acre swamp, one of the largest mangrove forests on Trinidad. It is an important bird sanctuary with its numerous channels, brackish and saline lagoons with intertidal mudflats. Home of Trinidad's national bird, the Scarlet Ibis, we will boat into the lagoons to view these spectacular birds flying to roost against the sunset. On our way through Port o' Spain, we'll stop at the Angostura compound to view the remarkable Barcant Butterfly Collection. Overnight Asa Wright Nature Center.

Scarlet Ibis at Caroni Marsh
April 20:
Nariva Swamp is the largest freshwater marsh in Trinidad and Tobago and has been designated a Wetland of International Importance. These 23 square miles of biodiverse wetlands are home to 45 mammals, dozens of fish, frogs, and reptiles along with 204 bird species. We'll be on the search for the exotic species of wetland and savanna birds. Overnight Asa Wright Nature Center.

April 21:
Transfer to Mt. Plaisir. We've planned this portion of the tour so we can be present on the turtle beaches when the adults come up to lay their eggs. An incredible experience - this is the highest density nesting beach for Leatherback turtles in the region. The village is picturesque and you can see turtles from your porches!

April 22:
Spend the day at Mr. Plaisir, a morning of birding and an evening of watching the big sea turtles. With luck, there will be time to drive to Matura and search for the Trinidad Piping Guan, the only bird endemic to the islands.

April 23:
Today we'll catch our 25 minute flight to Tobago. Transfer to Blue Waters Inn. Recently renovated, this seaside inn is a delight. The sea comes right up to the trees in front of your door… and is the incredible Caribbean blue we all envision. A lovely open-air restaurant, with gracious service and occasional steel band music to enliven the scene.
April 24:
We'll enjoy the glass-bottom boat trip to Little Tobago Island, during which we'll hopefully view parrot fish and queen angels along the way. The junction of forest and sea on Little Tobago is a haven for rare birds including red-billed tropicbirds, magnificent frigate birds, shearwater and red footed boobies.
Overnight at Blue Waters Inn.

April 25:
We'll bird Gilpin Trace, within the last remaining rain forest on Tobago, where we'll search for the once thought-to-be-extinct White-tailed Sabrewing Hummingbird and other species found in this remarkable woodland. Our last night on Tobago we'll celebrate a wonderful trip, compile our check list of birds and animals seen, and feast on island food specialities. Overnight at Blue waters Inn.

April 26:
Fly back to Trinidad to connect with international flights; Some of us will need to overnight this night in Port of Spain in order to catch early morning flights that allow for connections to distant U.S. destinations. Once we determine how many will have to overnight in POS, we can then make hotel arrangements, which cost will be not be included in the trip cost (nor will meals that afternoon) since some will be able to depart for the U.S. the same day, depending on destination.
Join us, folks, for a remarkable and memorable journey to islands you'll not soon forget. Trinidad and Tobago are the best introduction to tropical birding in the Americas - and I know you won't want to miss it
Sherry. And Deb
Dear Painters:
Some really exciting classes coming up…. please check out everything below and come to one of the seminars! We'd love to see you and
have you take part in a great learning experience. Check with the contact person for more information about a class, and in the case of the
last one, at Painter's Paradise, click on the link to read about it on Jo's website.
See you there!
March 4-5, 2017 - Charleston Decorative Painters, Charleston, SC. Contact for more information: Brenda Sawyer, seminar chair: 843.871.8733 or email: stillpainting@sc.rr.com; 2 day workshop: Projects: Blueberries and Old Lace; (8" x 10"); Chipmunk and Cream Pitcher (8" x 10").

March 6-11, 2017- The Very Pleasant Painters, Susan Pleasant, 104 Riley Drive, Summerville, SC.29483 (843) 209-4127. Projects for this class: Crystal Decanter with Orchids, 14" x 20". Gorgeous still life set on white marble, lots to learn and lots to enjoy! Contact Susan for more information.

March 13-14, 2017 - Azalea Coast Decorative Painters, Wilmington, NC. Contact seminar chair for more info: Charlotte Novak, (910) 253.9135 or email: can3874@ec.rr.com. Projects: Floral to learn how to Unitfy a Color Scheme (10" diameter plate; for entry level painters); Eastern Bluebird for 1st Time Oil Painter (8" x 10").

March 17-22, 2017- Painter’s Paradise, Claymont, DE. Contact Jo Lutness: (302) 798.3897; jocparadise@aol.com Click on to see projects: http://www.paintersparadise.com/seminar-sherry-nelson-march-17-22-2017-sn-2017-x-days/

The woodpecker surface is tall and narrow. The bird in the middle is on the top half and the bird on the right below it. Note how flowers connect….

Calling all painters… Plan now for a Florida Paint-cation - a painting party you won't want to miss…Check below for dates, then scroll down for all the gorgeous photos and the detailed info. Send those deposit checks - and reserve your space for this awesome Florida extrav!
May 17-20 - 2017 Oceans of Color SDP National Conference… check online at www.decorativepainters.org for all the exciting information about classes, trade show and extra events that will get your creative juices flowing. Sherry Nelson and Cheri Rol will be teaching new classes and team-teaching a special oil event on opening day! Join us, and join the fun…
May 22-27, 2017 - Paint with the 2 Sherries!! Cheri Rol and Sherry Nelson, both MDAs, will teach a week-long Still Life Spectacular - each presenting an extraordinary new piece designed just for these classes! We'll paint and play at the gorgeous Dayspring Retreat Center in Parrish, FL, indulging in home-cooked meals and lovely surroundings complete with trails and canopy walkway, birding and kayaking. A true paint-cation.
May 29-June 2, 2017 - The Tropics of Trinidad Table. Stay on at Dayspring Retreat Center to paint with Sherry Nelson for another 5 days - to learn iridescent tropical jacamars and hummingbirds and floral elements to die for… all on a gorgeous little, pack-in-your-suitcase museum-quality table. Contact Sherry seminars@sherrycnelson.com
Don't wait - scroll down and check out our plans for this spectacular one-time painting' hoo-dah in the gorgeous state of Florida! Don't let this one pass you by…
May 22-27, 2017 - Paint with the 2 Sherries!!

The 2 Sherries - Cheri Rol, MDA and Sherry C. Nelson, MDA - design new Still Life pieces just for you!
Come to Florida! Come to Paint! Come take advantage of quality time with two of the top oil teachers in the field - 3 fun-and-learning-filled days with each - to hone your still life skills. And do it all in the comfort and tranquillity of one of the most popular retreat centers in the east. You'll love the classes and love the convenience at Dayspring.
Where are we painting? And when? At the beautiful Dayspring Episcopal Retreat Center, in Parrish, FL, May 22 -27, 2017. We'll move from the Oceans of Color Conference with SDP in Daytona Beach to Parrish, FL, on May 21st, arriving just after 3:00 pm to move into our sleeping rooms, and then after dinner set up in our lovely, well-lit classroom with classes starting the next morning. You'll paint three days with Sherry C. Nelson, MDA and three with Cheri Rol, MDA - in small groups designed to give you all the help and input you'll need to create these gallery-quality works of art.
How much is the seminar? The seminar fee for all 6 days of classes is $350.00. As always Sherry and Cheri will both be teaching on camera, with step-by-step demos on the monitors in both classrooms. You'll have great viewing and wonderful color reproduction to help you accomplish all the detail to make these the most gorgeous pieces you've ever painted. The seminar fee does not include the prepared background surfaces you paint on, or your instructional packets with multiple reference photos. Classroom purchases may be paid for at week's end.
Dayspring Retreat Center has everything we could wish for - a marvelous place to settle in for a week of painting. We'll bring our binoculars in hopes of squeezing in a little early-morning birding, check out the groomed walkways and explore the forest canopy walkway. Kayaks are included too, for paddling the beautiful Manatee River. And we'll all relish the comfortable lodgings and THREE awesome meals a day, all of which is included with your semi-private occupancy rate of only $90.00 per day! It's going to be a delight to share this special dual seminar with you, to unwind and to savor every minute of our time together in this lovely, and peaceful setting, surrounded by birds and beauty. Plan to join Cheri and Sherry for this remarkable one-time event! http://dayspringfla.org/
Easy to get there: Dayspring Retreat Center is within an hour's drive of most major metropolitan areas in Central Florida with especially easy access for flights into Sarasota. If you wish to sign up for the 2 sherries class and need transportation from the airport, I feel sure we can help you with arrangements.
This Florida Still Life spectacular will offer great new painting techniques and make this a regional event never to be repeated. Come to Daytona for National and stay on with us for an additional paint-cation. Indulge in a painting experience you'll always cherish and never forget.
Deposits and Payment Schedule:
Class fees: A deposit of $150.00 is due at sign-up to hold your space in class and is non-refundable. The balance of the class fee, which will be $200.00 will be due April 30, 2017. All deposits should be in the form of checks made to The Magic Brush, Inc. PO Box 1123, Lockhart, TX 78644. OR to Rol Publications, Inc. 3600 Amy Lane NE, Greenville IN 47124. For more info call: 512.398.3277. Further emailed inquiries: seminars@sherrycnelson.com
Dayspring Lodging and Meals: Once you have confirmed your space in class, we will need a deposit against the room and board costs at Dayspring for $250.00. The balance due for the lodging/food costs will be $380.00 and to satisfy our contract with Dayspring, must be paid in full by March 15.
A Gift of Mums and Silver © Sherry C. Nelson

Bowl of Apples © Cherie Rol

Come Paint the Tropics of Trinidad Table with Sherry!
May 29-June 2, 2017 - The Tropics of Trinidad Table.
This gorgeous occasional table design was inspired by Deb and Sherry's birding trips to the lovely Caribbean islands of Tobago and Trinidad. Our time on these idyllic islands was extraordinary, and Sherry designed this heirloom table to commemorate that experience. You'll revel in painting these spectacular jacamars, hummingbirds and tropical flowers.

Where are we painting? And when? At the beautiful Dayspring Episcopal Retreat Center, in Parrish, FL, May 28 through June 2, 2017, departing the morning of the 3rd. We'll check in after 3:00 pm on the 28th, move into our sleeping rooms, and then after dinner "make our nests" in our lovely, well-lit classroom. We'll paint the 29th of May through the 2nd of June with small classes designed to give you all the help and input you'll need to create this museum quality work of art for your home and your pleasure.
How much is the seminar? The seminar fee for the 5 days of classes is $295.00. As always Sherry will be teaching on camera, with step-by-step demos on the monitors in the classroom. You'll have great viewing and wonderful color reproduction to help you accomplish all the detail you need to make this the most gorgeous piece you've ever painted. The seminar fee does not include the background surface you choose to paint on, or your instructional packets with multiple reference photos. Classroom purchases may be paid for at week's end.
Dayspring Retreat Center has everything we could wish for - a memorable place to settle in for a week of painting. We'll bring our binoculars to enjoy a little early-morning birding, check out the trails and explore the forest canopy walkway. Kayaks are included too, for paddling the beautiful Manatee River. And we'll all relish the comfortable lodgings and THREE awesome meals a day, all of which is included with your semi-private occupancy rate if only $90.00 per day! It's going to be a delight to share this special seminar with you, to unwind and to savor every minute of our time together in this lovely, and peaceful setting, surrounded by birds and beauty. Plan to join us! http://dayspringfla.org/
Easy to get there: Dayspring Retreat Center is within an hour's drive of most major metropolitan areas in Central Florida
with especially easy access for flights into Sarasota.. Deb and Sherry will be coming to Florida for Oceans of Color, the National Conference for Society of Decorative Painters, in Daytona Beach May 17-20. We will all then relocate to Dayspring for a joint seminar with Cheri Rol (the two sherries class!) the week prior to this table seminar. If you are interested in coming for both weeks, please let me know and I will send you that information as well. This Florida spectacular will offer lots of great new painting techniques and make this a regional event never to be repeated. Come for all or part - indulge in a painting experience you'll always cherish.
Deposits and Payment Schedule:
Class fees: A deposit of $150.00 is due at sign-up to hold your space in class and is non-refundable. The balance of the class fee, which will be $145.00 will be due April 30, 2017. All deposits for the table seminar should be in the form of checks made to The Magic Brush, Inc., PO Box 1123, Lockhart, TX 78644. 512.398.3277. Further emailed inquiries: seminars@sherrycnelson.com
Dayspring Lodging and Meals: Once you have confirmed your space in class, we will need a deposit against the room and board costs at Dayspring of $250.00. The balance due for the lodging/food costs will be $290.00 and to satisfy our contract with Dayspring, must be paid in full by March 15.
The Tropics of Trinidad designs will be painted on the occasional table made by Sechtem's Woods, 533 E Margaret Av, Russell, KS 67665. Phone: 785.483.2912; Fax: 785.483.2960; www.tolemine.com The table retails for $69.95. In the past, if your order went over $100.00, Sechtem's paid shipping, so you and a friend could go together. Check with the manufacturer to confirm that.
The table is beautifully made, ships flat, and comes complete with the few items needed for assembly. It breaks down quickly - and is easy to assemble when the decorative painting is complete. Best of all, it does NOT need sealing prior to applying the acrylic background colors.
Panels sizes for framing, breaking the design into a set of framed pieces, can be suggested if you are interested.
Wood Sources:
Sechtem's Wood Products www.tolemine.com Open their website to view the table…
The Tropics of Trinidad Table - TOTOT-1 Currently shown on the front page of the website.
Top of Table; prepped and sprayed

Close-up of top. You can see here that the acrylic background is blended and muted; no need for a lot of contrast in the initial prep.

Finished table. The strong areas of background rouging is oil glazing, added when painting is finished. Does NOT look this colorful when prepped for painting, as you can see in the first two photos.

Same design can be painted on panels and framed for beautiful grouping:

Join us for one or both seminars ... creative learning experience and wonderful fun in a comfortable seminar location ... indulge in a painting experience you'll always cherish.
Hello Painters:
Join Deb and Sherry for the Painting Palooza in Oklahoma City in Sept. We're going to have a wonderful time, and will be celebrating the birth of this new painting opportunity. You won't want to miss it!

Sherry Nelson MDA will be teaching these exciting classes:
Class # 001 – Tangled Butterfly - Mon. 1pm – 5pm
New for this show!

Tangled ButterFly © Sherry C. Nelson
Class #025 -- Horned Puffin -- Wed. 8am – 3pm
Atlantic Puffin © Sherry C. Nelson

Class #017 – Barn Owl – Fri. -- 8am – 5pm

Barn Owl © Sherry C. Nelson
One of the most special seminars this coming year is English Cottage Garden, in Canandaigua, NY. Don't let this wonderful opportunity go by to add these charming designs to your personal collection.
Come Paint with the Posse (Painters Obsessively Seeking Sherry’s Expertise!) at the lovely Notre Dame Retreat Center and take that 'paintcation' you deserve!
Come to the beautiful Finger Lakes region of west-central New York….
English Cottage Garden Seminar - August 15-25, 2016 -
Fly-in/ arrival day: August 15: Orientation, design handouts, background check and transfer initial designs this evening at 7:00 pm.
Paint: August 16-20; August 22-24
August 21: Break Day: Optional antique shopping or wine tasting or catch-up-on-your-painting day!
Fly out/ Departures: August 25
It's not too soon to start making your plans to paint The English Cottage Garden with Sherry and Deby in beautiful Canandaigua. We'll have time to focus on new techniques and develop skills not possible in shorter seminars. You'll paint (and relax!) in the lovely large, well-lit classroom and enjoy getting to know others from all over the United States and Canada who will be attending. The Finger Lakes wine country of NY is one of the most serene of settings, and August one of the most delightful times of year to come.
Please mark those important dates on your calendar and send in
your deposit of $150.00 now to reserve your space in this one-time class. Class
space is limited to 24 and I feel sure we'll end up with a wait-list for this class.
We look forward to having you as an attendee in this exciting seminar.
Make deposit checks to The Magic Brush, Inc. and mail to the following address:
PO Box 1123
Lockhart, TX 78644
512/398-3277 or 520.558.2285
Further emailed inquiries:
Be sure to scroll all the way down for more photos and more exciting info!

English Cottage Garden Cabinet ©2013 Sherry C. Nelson

English Cottage side panel
We will be staying and painting at the Notre Dame Retreat Center, beautifully sited with a spectacular view of Lake Canandaigua. The airport is in Rochester, NY, about 40 minutes away. Airport pickups can be arranged.
Barbara Fragale, 'the Sheriff' of the Posse, is my local seminar chair. She's also about the most organized person I know, and
took the best of care of everything for this seminar this past August; she is a pleasure for people to work with. We are blessed to have her help to assist with all the seminar arrangements on the NY end of things.
Sleeping Room Rates: If you wish to stay at the Retreat Center Barb will make your reservations for you and you will check in under your own name. You may arrive on the 15th anytime in the afternoon so you have time to have dinner before orientation at 7:00 pm.
The rooms are very basic, rather small, but quite comfortable, with choice of singles or doubles (bathrooms in each room) and you pay for the space with a donation upon checkout. Free Continental Breakfast is included. It's quiet and very convenient - just a few steps from the painting room! You may look at the website under menu: http://notredameretreat.org/ to see photos of the sleeping rooms and the facility grounds. The entire Retreat Center is a non-smoking facility.
Please do not call the retreat center yourself; we will handle all reservations through their group desk. When you have decided what room style you want (single or double) and who you want for a roommate, please email Barbara, not the retreat center! In fact, all questions about the accommodations, meals, directions, location or and other local inquiries should be directed to Barbara: bfragale12344@aol.com Or call her at: 585-533-9203.
Our Painting Room:
Barbara has arranged a superb room for us in which to paint. We'll have a comfortable, carpeted (translates to 'quiet and calm' space along with good overhead lighting. Deby, our tech lady, will have all the video hookups to the flat screen right at your table in place for easy viewing of every single painting demo. There's big windows along one wall for a beautiful view of Lake Canandaigua. Remember to pack a light wrap or jacket so you're not too cool with the efficient air-conditioning in the classroom.
Payment schedule: Once the $150.00 deposit is paid, your balance due for the seminar will be $395.00 for the 8 full days of class. A portion of that amount ($200.00) will be due March 1, 2016 with the final $195.00 due 10 weeks ahead of the opening day of the seminar. Second payment due March 1: $200.00. Final payment due June 1: $195.00
A note about Class Fees: the cost includes fees for 8 class days, and also includes 9 days of excellent hot lunches served by the Retreat Center. We found the food to be excellent, with generous servings, and the lunch fees are what enables us to use the classroom space at no additional charge. So we must include the cost of your lunches in our fees. Hence the slightly higher than usual class fees. However, the cost of the class is balanced by the very minimal donation to the Center to cover your sleeping room (suggested donation is $25.00 per night for a single) making this long seminar very affordable.
English Cottage Garden
The English Cottage concept began when I fell in love with the thatched-roof country homes during a wonderful trip through the Cotswold countryside. This new set of paintings celebrates the much-loved birds and even the delightful hedgehog, popular inhabitants of this traditional garden setting. May you enjoy this painterly stroll through the English countryside.
The English Cottage Garden was originally done on a low, wide cabinet designed to hold CDs and DVDs. It is 24” high without base or top and 54” wide. The cabinet is 8” deep, so those panels are 8” wide (but wrap around to the front a bit making the ends 10” - x 24” high. The cabinet doors are 20” x 20” but the Cottage Garden designs fit the cabinet as a whole, and include the approx. 2" trim pieces that surround the door and act as a frame for the door structure. We have worked with Pat Kerr, of Sarasota, Florida to produce cabinets in the same style so that if you choose to make that investment, you will be able to paint on a quality piece of furniture. More information on cabinet availability on request.
The designs may be painted on a variety of surfaces:
1. various panel sizes (easy to travel with to and from the seminar),
2. on gallery boxes with hardboard surfaces
3. on wood plates to be used as chargers
4. on the cabinet made especially for this project
5. or adapted to another furniture piece.
If you wish to consider ordering a cabinet, please request information directly from me by email. Cabinets need to be ordered no later than 120 days out to ensure that you receive it in time to prep for the seminar.

Finished with Stenciled detail on top and base

Here's the set of paintings on various sized panels should you not have space for a cabinet. Clockwise from upper left: 10" x 8" (Chaffinch), 18" x 14" (smaller option for Cottage), 14" x 11" (Nuthatch and Spotted Woodpecker), 14" x 18" (Greenfinch and Hedgehog), 10" x 20" (Blackbird & Long-tailed Tit), 10" x 20" (Great Tit and Bullfinch), and 12" x 22" (Green Woodpecker and Crested Tit).
How about the Thatched Cottage on a lazy susan - and the other pieces on chargers or placemats, for a beautiful table setting with a European flair? That's something I may well do for my next set of class sample paintings. Or see below for a student's rendition on a fireplace screen!

Thanks to Jane Madrid for sharing her fireplace screen with us…
Sherry C. Nelson, MDA, TDA will be painting and teaching these vibrant and exciting new designs of Costa Rica WoodPeckers at Susan Pleasant's VPPs workshop in Summerville, SC in March 7-12, 2016. We would love to have you attend this very special six-day seminar. If you would like to sign up or learn more about this workshop, please call Susan Pleasant at 843-209-4127 or email her at spleasant1952@gmail.com
This workshop is held each year in a very convenient location: The Hampton Inn, just off the interstate in Summerville, will be location of the sleeping rooms. Restaurants for evenings CLOSE by - and in fact eating and sleeping and even Walmart is all within a 5 minute walk. You'll have lots of time to devote yourself to painting (and finishing!) the projects.
The photos on the site below show our sleeping rooms and breakfast area. Lunches are delicious and generous, and lots of homemade goodies served by some of the local painters at the back of the painting room so we don't have to take valuable painting time to go out. Lunch cost may be included in your class fee but you would have to ask Susan that. By the way, the VPPs means the Very Pleasant Painters, which I think is a wonderfully creative name for this great group. Susan's a VERY 'pleasant' lady and works hard to make this an exciting workshop venue for everyone. 2016 will be our 11th Anniversary year in Summerville and our seminars there are always memorable and productive.
Need more details? Just give Susan a call. Then send your deposit to Susan Pleasant, 104 Riley Drive, Summerville, SC 29483. There's just a few spaces left at this writing… bring your best painting buddy and come join us! Great fun, so sign up today!
The Woodpeckers of Costa Rica
Check out these exciting new designs with their elegant and dramatic floral elements from the tropics. Rarely do we get to paint such dramatic birds with spectacular colors and flair. Join us in this marvelous adventure. Take a painting trip to the rainforest, and learn about the woodpeckers as well. You'll come away from this class not only with new painting skills and but a sense of having truly 'been there.'
Plan on bringing your own prepped surfaces. Once we have your deposit, I will email the complete background prep info, along with step-by-photos, for these pieces. These gorgeous backgrounds truly enhance the finished pieces.
Gallery Boxes: The woodpecker pieces are painted of THREE vertical gallery panels which are hung from left to right in decreasing size. If you choose not to go with the gallery boxes, you may use masonite panels in the same sizes or adapt the designs to a variety of your own wood pieces.
Larry Rol's Gallery Boxes are created in sizes 16" x 24"; 9" x 24", and 6" x 24", especially for this class. Larry has already begun manufacturing
these and has a few sets on hand now, so you may order as soon as you like.
rolpub@cherirol.com 812.366.4154 Larry and Cheri Rol, 3600 Amy Lane NE, Greenville IN 47124
Woodpeckers of Costa Rica - Gallery boxes in sizes 16" x 24"; 9" x 24", and 6" x 24".

One of three panels taught in class.
Greetings, Painters!
2016 Special Workshops taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA
Come paint with Sherry: sign up for a superb experience in a
workshop format this year. You'll never learn more nor have
a better time than when you challenge yourself with these
multi-day classes. Wonderful fun and a great learning experience.
Join us…
For additional complete information, check our our 2016
Seminar Schedule on the Home Page of this website. Scroll down and
see how close Sherry will be near you…
Udall Decorative Painters, Wichita, KS
October 13-18, 2015 (Arrive: Oct. 12; Paint: Oct.13-18;
Depart: Oct.19, 2015)
Country Floral and Gifts, Udall, KS. Contact: Barbara Williams: 620.262.1896 or 5620.782.3455; email:
barbara@wheatstate.com. Please contact Barbara for more information and cost of class.
It's not too soon to start making your plans to paint the wonderful still life pictured below, as well as the Great Egret (scroll all the way down!). We'll have time to focus on new techniques and develop skills not possible in shorter seminars. You'll paint (and relax!) in the comfortable, well-lit classroom and enjoy getting to know the others who will be attending. Barbara used to operate from this building as The Country Floral and Gifts, and has now remodeled to create a classroom where I teach every year. Lunch is delivered to the door each day and you may
come a bit early and stay a while after class ends about 5 pm if you wish to maximize your painting time.
These two pieces may be painted on panels to be framed or you can paint your still life on a specially designed wood piece that will add a unique accent in any room. (Scroll down for information about ordering the
wood piece for framing the still life piece)
The creativity such a seminar offers is part of the learning. Without question, these pieces are some of the most popular I've ever designed and I'm hoping you'll want to join us for this truly rewarding workshop.

Crystal Decanter with Orchids and Grapes: A five-day still life, size 14" x 20"
The ample time frame will allow everyone who wishes to finish the piece in

Great Egret with Swamp Lilies; 14" x 18" piece, especially designed
for the oil painter new to Sherry's style.

Still Life Shelf Frame: available from Painter's Paradise,
Jo Lutness, 950 Ridge Rd, C-10, Claymont DE 19703
Email: jodecart@aol.com Phone: 302-798-3897
Est. price: $24.50 plus shipping. Made of MDF.
Or if you wish, the Still Life may be framed.

Have YOU joined our Members Only site yet?
You'll want to take advantage of all the comprehensive information shared in every issue of " The Flutterby"! The focus is on painting of course, and the star of each new issue is an exclusive-to-Member's Only project by Sherry. But there's more: Tips and Techniques from Sherry in a column with input concerning your most-asked questions. Then check out Show and Tell, and see what other painters from around the country are creating.
And that's not all. There's a bonus section to teach you more about your camera, and how to put your photos to work for you. Expand your computer skills and your camera savvy with Deb's help...
In the travel blog, you get to follow Sherry and Deb as they roam the world, collecting photos of new and exciting elements to enhance your world of decorative painting.
If you've not signed up yet, send you name, address, phone and email along with a check for just $25.00 to The Magic Brush, Inc to receive the information you'll need to allow access to the site. or email members@sherrycnelson.com
And when you join, you'll get 4 quarterly issues ...no matter when in the year you become a member.
Vol.2, Issue 3, Summer 2015 is ready for your brush!

Vol.2, Issue 1, Winter 2015 - "Grey Crowned Crane" artist, Sherry C. Nelson, MDA

Vol.2, Issue 2, Spring 2015 - " Clouseau the Cat" artist Sherry C. Nelson, MDA

***********************NOTE : Members Only 2014 "The FlutterBy" projects*************
All projects from Members Only 2014 are available on CD.
If you were a 2014 Member, the price of the disk is $10.00; If you were Not a Member in 2014, then the price is $28.00. The Disk has all 4 projects from "The FlutterBy" Members Only 2014 --- inked designs, written instructions, and 30+ step-by photos/ essentially 4 packets on CD. Projects: "Tawny Owl", "Cordial Glass and Iris", "Magnificent Spatuletail Hummingbird", and "Green Heron"

Members Only 2014 "The FlutterBy" projects available now on CD.
Greetings, Painters!
2015 Special Workshops taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA
Come paint with Sherry: sign up for a superb experience in a
workshop format this year. You'll never learn more nor have
a better time than when you challenge yourself with these
multi-day classes. Wonderful fun and a great learning experience.
Join us…
For more complete information, check our our 2015
Seminar Schedule on the Home Page of this website. Scroll down and
see how close Sherry will be near you…
PALS - July 19-29, 2015 (Fly in: July 19; Paint: July 20-29 with a break day; Fly out: July 29. )
It's not too soon to start making your plans to paint a wonderful variety of exciting new pieces with Sherry and Deby in beautiful Tucson, Arizona this coming July. We'll have time to focus on new techniques and develop skills not possible in shorter seminars. You'll paint (and relax!) in the lovely large, well-lit classroom and enjoy getting to know the others who will be attending. The monsoon season begins in early July in the southwest, and the occasional afternoon rains break the summer heat, making this one of the most delightful times of year in this lovely city flanked by the Catalina Mountains.
These special pieces may be painted on panels to be framed or on specially designed wood pieces that will add a unique accent in any room. The creativity such a seminar offers is part of the learning. Without question, these pieces are some of the most popular I've ever designed and I'm hoping you'll want to join us for this truly rewarding workshop.

Crystal Decanter with Orchids and Grapes: a several-day still life, size 14" x 20"

Great Egret with Swamp Lilies; 14" x 18"

Ruby-throated Hummingbirds with Confederate Rose, 8" x 10"

Chapae Moon Moth with Orchids, 11" x 14"
PALS (The Privileged Artist Ladies of the Southwest!) was founded 9 years ago, in 2006, to provide an opportunity for me to teach multi-day, advanced seminar pieces - and to create a venue which allows classes to be long enough (yet reasonably priced) that we can finish the vast majority of the paintings chosen.
Here are the dates for the upcoming classes:
Fly-in/ arrival day: July 19.
Paint: July 20-23; July 25-28.
July 24: Break Day: Optional shopping in Tubac/ or catch-up-on-your-painting day
Fly out/ Departures: July 29th.
We will be staying and painting at the completely-refurbished Best Western Plus Inn & Suites Hotel, very conveniently located about 5 minutes from the Tucson Airport. We have negotiated the very reasonable double occupancy before-tax rate of $36.00 per person per night. Those flying in will not need transportation since a shuttle will be available to the hotel, thus making the seminar is both incredibly convenient and affordable. If you wish to have a roommate, we'll do our best to find another painter to share the cost of the 2-bedded room with you.
Once you have paid a $100.00 deposit, (checks only, please) your balance due for the seminar will be $395.00 for the 8 days of class. The balance due for the seminar will be payable in 2 additional installments: Second payment of $250.00 due March 30, 2015. And the final balance of $145.00 will be due June 1, 2015.
Make check for the deposit to The Magic Brush, Inc. and send to the following address:
The Magic Brush, Inc.
PO Box 1123
Lockhart, TX 78644
Phone: 512/ 398-3277