Painting Songbirds with Sherry C. Nelson
- 144 Pages
- 15 Species of birds in 15 projects: English Robin, Blue Jay, Mourning Dove, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Blue Tit, Song Sparrow, Varigated Fairy Wren, Magnolia Warbler, Wood Thrush, Green Jay, American Robin, Painted Bunting, Scarlet Tanager, Evening Grosbeck, and Western Meadowlark.
- Step-by steps for birds and flowers.
- Only 10 colors of paint needed for all 15 projects... Sherry's Top Ten oil colors.
- Also helpful ... Painting Songbirds in Oils/ DVD - $19.95: Creating Effective Backgrounds with Sherry C. Nelson / DVD -$19.95
Personally autographed to you by Sherry