Are You a Member Yet?

 Here in my last blog, Deb and I were excited to announce that the first issue of the Members' Only Site was up.  And now - seems like in just a stroke of the brush, Issue 2 is ready for your perusal.  

If you've not signed up yet, just send a check for $25.00 to The Magic Brush, Inc to receive your password to allow access to the site.  And when you join, you get Issue 1, as well as the newest Issue 2, plus the remaining two issues which will finish out the year. 

Please join us!  The reviews from new Members have been really enthusiastic so far and I think I can safely say that you're going to miss a lot of learning and a lot of fun if you don't take part in this new adventure.


The English Cottage Garden cabinet shown above will be taught in its entirety, either on a cabinet or on panels as below or on backgrounds of your choice in mid-July.  There's still some space in the class, held at a lovely hotel just minutes from the airport in Tucson, AZ.  Rock-bottom room rates, the best-lit and largest painting room ever, along with newly decorated rooms and a hot tub to relax in after class hours.  Call Sherry at 520.558.2285 for information or email: for a full flyer with lots of photos.


And don't forget to check our seminar calendar on the Home Page of this site for a complete listing of where Sherry is teaching.

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