The Member's Site is up!!
We are so excited we can hardly wait to share the news. At long
long last, Deb and Sherry have put together the first issue of the
Member's Only site. There's lots of great resources and painting
information to be found in The Flutterby… whether you're drawn
instantly to want to put your brushes to work on the charming owl
shown above - or whether you are looking for reference material
to enhance your computer savvy, glean photo hints or color theory
back-up for furthering your painting skills.
It's easy! Send a check for $25.00 to The Magic Brush, Inc. to
receive the password to allow access to the site. If you encounter
any problems, just dash off an email to Deby, our Webmaster,
for answers to any questions:
Just click on Members in the Menu on the opening page of our website
for all the details. Come on and join us for information, for paintings,
and for exciting info to enhance your painting world… exclusive to
Member's Only.
Greetings Painters
2014 Workshops taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA
Come paint with Sherry: sign up for a superb experience in a
workshop format this year. You'll never learn more nor have
a better time than when you challenge yourself with these
multi-day classes. Wonderful fun and a great learning experience.
Join us…
For more information, check the information under 2014 Seminar Schedule on the Home Page of this website.
The English Cottage Garden - a fabulous seminar that can be painted on panels or on this gorgeous cabinet. Taught this year in July in Tucson, AZ for the PALS (contact Sherry) - and in October for the Udall Decorative Painters (Udall, Kansas).
The Crimson-rumped Toucanets are on the schedule in March to be taught in classes at Painter's Paradise (Delaware) and for the Very Pleasant Painters (Summerville, SC).