- Website Source for all publications, packets, videos copyrighted by Sherry C. Nelson and painting supplies used by Sherry C. Nelson.
Welcome to my Website!
view Full Collection of 21 Christmas Ornament and website featured Painting instructional packets.
Use Homepage Menu to view : instructional BOOKS, PACKETS, and VIDEOS authored by Sherry, painting SUPPLIES- brushes, paint, etc used by Sherry
For a pdf catalog of painting packets not viewable on the website - download Wishbook PDF
To place an order ...
- Email orders@sherrycnelson.com Please include phone number, name & address,and list of items. When your emailed order is received, I will call for credit card information .
- Phone 512/398-3277 with your order to talk directly with Sherry or Deborah.
- Mail to Sherry C. Nelson, P. O. Box 1123 Lockhart, TX 78644
- Download Wishbook PDF - complete listing of all packets available not shown on this website by Sherry C. Nelson and order form -- copy and paste order form into a email to orders@sherrycnelson.com Or Print order Form and mail to Sherry C. Nelson P.O. Box 1123, Lockhart, Texas 78644 or call 512/398-3277 with your order and talk to Sherry or Deborah directly.
Contact : Sherry C. Nelson. 512.398.3277 Email birdlady@sherrycnelson.com
Please note that all designs and photos are copyrighted by Sherry C. Nelson and may NOT be used for any purpose other than viewing and for ordering.
Seminar Schedule for 2024

- May 18 & 19, 2024 - ZOOM class, Purple Gallinule
10:00 am to 3:00 pm, Central Time, May 18, 2024. 10:00 am to 2:00pm, Central Time, May 19, 2024.
Fee: $85.00 Total. Class will include instructions for the bird, the water lilies and the dragonfly. Please send check to Sherry C. Nelson, PO Box 1123, Lockhart, TX 78644. Or you may call 512.398-3277 and pay by Credit Card.
Please confirm your spot in this exciting class as soon as possible.
Students must furnish own paint and prepped surface.
Taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA
Original painting is found in the book Wings and Things in my Water Garden by Sherry. If you want the book for reference it is $9.95 plus postage. When class is paid in full, if you prefer, I will send you the materials for the class from the book as photos at no additional charge.
Surface: I will be painting on a standard size hardboard for framing: 16” horizontal x 12” vertical. Background acrylic color is Ceramcoat Navy Blue. Another dark blue of your choice may be substituted.
If you have a wood piece similar to the lap desk you see in the photos below: mine measures 13.25” horizontal x 11.25” vertical and approx 3” deep.

Cost of Class: $85.00. Checks please: mail to Sherry C. Nelson, PO Box 1123, Lockhart, TX 78644. Or you may call and pay by Credit Card…..512.398-3277.

Hope you can plan on being with us… You’ll enjoy painting this dramatic and colorful piece… a beautiful bird found in the Southern states in wetlands and marshy areas.
Painting projects and Sherry C. Nelson Instructional Materials:
- 21 Christmas ornaments Now in Full Collection
4 - Ornaments to add to your collection : Christmas Camel, Snow Leopard, Nubian Donkey with Bell, and Reindeer in the Snow. Each wood cutout is $5.00 and each packet of instruction is $5.00.
- Christmas Camel - wood cutout $5.00 and packet of instruction $5.00

Snow Leopard - wood cutout $5.00 and Packet of instruction $5.00

Nubian Donkey with bell - wood cutout $5.00 and Packet of instruction $5.00

Reindeer in the Snow - wood cutout $5.00 and packet of instructions $5.00

- 4 more wood Christmas ornaments — Red Panda, Panda, Black Bear Cub, Lamb ( $5.00 for each cutout and $5.00 each for instruction packet)

Pony, Kitten, and Peacock (previously published in Painting World magazine October, November, December issues) ornament cut-outs $5.00; Instruction Packet - $5.00 each

The WildLife Collection of 6 cut-out ornaments (Blue Jay, Rabbit, Squirrel, Cedar Waxwing, Chickadee, Owl) … each $5.00 for woodcut and $5.00 for instructional Packet

Cardinal ornament wood cut-out $6.00 and instruction Packet $5.00
Fox, Dove , Deer Wood cut-outs $5.00 each. Instructional packets $5.00 each
(Formerly available only in “The Decorative Painter” )

For more information or to order: call 512.398.3277 email orders@sherrycnelson.com
#19 painting packets not in pdf Wishbook-- check them out "More Packets”.
- A complete oil painting 6 lesson course taught by Sherry C. Nelson, MDA, on a single DVD…."Learn to Paint in Oils with Sherry C. Nelson". Originally published in 2013/2014 Paintworks magazine, this series is now available on high quality DVD for your personal and private use, and for your permanent collection. A professional series of step-by photos in each 6 lessons, as well as thorough and complete written instructions to go along with them, inked line drawings - everything you will need to learn to paint in oils. $29.95 + $5.95 shipping. Order now… call 512- 398-3277 or 520-558-2285 or email: orders@sherrycnelson.com.
If you are interested in sponsoring your own private group seminar in your location or in Sherry's Classroom with Sherry C. Nelson as the instructor, please contact Sherry for details. PO Box 1123, Lockhart,TX 78644; (512)398-3277 ; Email info@sherrycnelson.com